Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Intro to a new blog

I made a cool discovery the other day, and want to share it in a place that is more public than Facebook. 
Neither my modern foodblog, nor my medieval foodblog would be appropriate places to post it, so here I am, revamping an old blog into a new one. 

I decided to create this space for me, and anyone else who wants to join me, to post up cool little discoveries in the medieval and renaissance history space.  I am not so much talking about stumbling across some cool resource (although maybe a page of links will grow from this) so much as those moments when we open a manuscript and see something that blows us away. 

Something that isn't already published (or if it has we haven't seen it) or just something that shakes things up and breaks up some of the assumptions that those of us playing in this space might have.

Think of this as your medieval confessional - the place where you could share that tidbit of knowledge you have been holding on to. That incredible item that you haven't told anyone about because someone might actually want to make it. Go on... tell me... you know you want to.  

NO posts without documentation/evidence!

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